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- Xiao L, Huang C, Bai Y*, Ding J*. Shared decision-making training embedded in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education: A scoping review. Patient Educ Couns. 2024,123:108186.
- Li, R., Li, C., Liu, L., Chen, W., & Bai, Y*. (2023). Factors affecting colonoscopy screening among first-degree relatives of colorectal cancer patients: A mixed-method systematic review. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. //doi.org/10.1111/wvn.12689
- Bai, Y.*, Wong, C. L., Chen, J., & So, W. K. W. (2023). Implementing a tailored communication intervention to increase colonoscopy screening rates among first-degree relatives of people with colorectal cancer: Lessons learned. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 67, 102408. //doi.org/10.1016/j.ejon.2023.102408
- Bai Y*, Wong CL, Peng X,Choi KC, So WKW. Effectiveness of a tailored communication intervention on colonoscopy uptake for first-degree relatives of people with colorectal cancer: A randomised controlled trial. Asia-Pacific Journal Oncology Nursing, 2022, 9(9): 100068.
- Bai Y*, Wong CL, Li G, So WKW. Development and feasibility of an evidence-based and theory-driven tailored mHealth communication intervention to increase colonoscopy screening rate in first-degree relatives of people with colorectal cancer. European Journal Oncology Nursing, 2022, 56:102063.
- Bai Y*, Wong CL, Peng X, So WKW. Colonoscopy Screening Behaviour and Associated Factors Amongst First-Degree Relatives of People with Colorectal Cancer in China: Testing the Health Belief Model Using a Cross-Sectional Design. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 2020,17(14):4927.
- Bai Y*, So WKW, Wong CL. Translation, adaptation, and validation of Revised Colorectal Cancer Perception and Screening Instrument among first-degree relatives of people with colorectal cancer in China. Asia-Pacific Journal Oncology Nursing. 2020;7(2):189.
- Bai Y*, So WKW, Wong CL. Feasibility and acceptability of a mHealth intervention to increase colonoscopy uptake among Chinese first-degree relatives: A pilot cluster randomized controlled trial - Annals of Oncology. Annual Oncology. 2019, 30 (Supplement 5):V846-V847.
- Bai Y*, Wong CL, He X, Wang C, So WKW. Effectiveness of tailored communication intervention in increasing colonoscopy screening rates amongst first-degree relatives of individuals with colorectal cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Nursing Study, 2020, 56(102063):1-7
- Jin X, Wong CL, Li H, Chen J, Chong YY, Bai Y. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for psychological and behavioural changes among parents of children with chronic health conditions: A systematic review. J Adv Nurs, 2021, 77(7):3020-3033.
- Li H, Wong CL, Jin X, Chen J, Chong YY, Bai Y. Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on health-related outcomes for patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review. Int J Nurs Stud, 2021, 115.
- Chen Q, Gottlieb L, Liu D, Tang S, Bai Y. The nurse outcomes and patient outcomes following the High-Quality Care Project. Int Nurs Rev. 2020;67(3):362-371.
- Bai Y, Gu C, Chen Q, Xiao J, Liu D, Tang S*. The challenges that head nurses confront on financial management today: A qualitative study. Int J Nurs Sci, 2017, 4(2):122-127.
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