
      夏薇  副教授




2021/02~至今,bet365手机版-bet365中文下载 ,副教授

2019/09~2021/01,香港大学bet365手机版 ,博士后研究员

2019/04~2019/09,香港大学bet365手机版 ,科研助理

2017/06~2019/03,香港大学bet365手机版 ,科研助理(兼职)

2016/04~2019/03,香港大学,李嘉诚医学院,bet365手机版 ,哲学博士


2013/09~2015/08,香港大学,李嘉诚医学院,bet365手机版 ,哲学硕士


2007/09~2012/07,北京大学,bet365手机版 ,医学学士




  1. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目. 2024.1.1.-2026.12.31. 15万人民币. 主持
  2. 广东省科技厅2022年度科技创新普及专题. 2022.08-2024.07. 3万人民币. 主持
  3. 中山大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目-一般项目. 2023.01-2023.12. 5万人民币. 主持.
  4. 广东省科学技术协会2023年度青年科技人才培育计划. 成瘾行为防控与干预研究. 2023.1.1.-2023.12.31. 3万人民币. 主持.
  5. 广东省科学技术厅2022年广东省国际及港澳台人才交流专项-海外名师项目. 2022.09-2023.12. 5万人民币. 主持.
  6. 广东省社科规划2022年度常规项目-青年项目. 2022.08-2024.05. 5万人民币. 主持.
  7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 2022.01-2024.12. 30万人民币. 主持.
  8. 广州市基础研究计划基础与应用基础研究项目-一般项目. 2022.04-2024.03. 5万人民币. 主持.
  9. 中山大学高校基本科研业务费青年教师团队项目. 子课题: 2022.01-2022.12. 2万人民币. 主持
  10. bet365手机版-bet365中文下载 2021年研究生教育质量提升专项. 子项目. 2021.08-2021.12. 1万人民币. 主持.
  11. 广东省教育科学规划课题(高等教育专项). 2022.07-2024.07. 5万人民币. 参与.
  12. 广东省科技创新战略专项资金. 2022.11-2023.10. 20万人民币. 参与.
  13. 广东省哲学社会科学规划 2023 年度青年项目. 2023.09-2025.08. 2.0 万元. 参与
  14. 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心2023年度主题案例., 参与
  15. 香港医疗卫生基金. 2023.07-2025.07. 149万港币. 共同主持
  16. 大学教育资助委员会(香港), 教学发展及语文培训补助基金. & 香港大学教学发展基金. 2022.07-2023.07. 149万港币. 共同主持
  17. 香港医疗卫生基金. Efficacy of a self-determination theory-based smoking cessation intervention plus instant messaging via mobile application to help smokers with cancer quit: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. 2023-2026, 148.9万港币. 共同主持
  18. 香港禁毒基金会一般基金. Building capacity for anti-drug sector and healthcare sector in the use of different physical exercise modalities for treatment and rehabilitation. 2022.06-2023.12. 72.6万港币. 共同主持
  19. 香港大学基础研究种子基金. 2021.06-2022.08. 10.656万港币. 共同主持.
  20. 香港保安局禁毒处禁毒基金,一般拨款计划,BDF190028,MedPAC朋辈戒毒辅导热线: 针对吸毒青少年及青年人群提供的医护朋辈戒毒辅导服务,2020/08~2022/08,160万港元,共同主持.
  21. 香港吸烟与健康委员会,AR200014,无烟Teens计划评估研究2020-21,2020/08~2021/04,6万港元,共同主持.
  22. 香港特别行政区卫生署控烟酒办公室,KE190065,Training package for healthcare professionals to deliver brief advice on smoking cessation and relevant support materials,2020/06~2021/02,120万港元,共同主持.
  23. 香港大学,基础研究种子基金,01910159119,Helping youth to quit smoking by understanding their risk perception, behaviour, and attitudes related to electronic cigarettes and other new tobacco products,2020/06~2022/05,5.52万港元,共同主持.
  24. 香港卫生署控烟酒办公室,AR160007,Provision of Service of a Youth Quitline Programme for Youth Smokers under the Department of Health Phase 6,2019/09~2020/12,140万港元,共同主持.
  25. 香港大学,青年基础研究种子基金,201805159003,Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in Hong Kong Chinese Childhood Cancer Survivors,2018/06~2019/07,15万港元,共同主持.


  1. 2023年第十六届“赢在中大”创新创业大赛-创业赛道创意组-优胜奖. 王佳妮,肖玉雪,黎丽杉,彭永安,吴依然. 指导老师:夏薇
  2. 2023广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“攀登计划”专项资金),一般项目(在研)。王潇,黎丽杉,钟梦娇 王一帆,余倩,彭安永,杨唯熙. 指导老师:夏薇. 2022.09-2024.02.1万人民币. pdjh2023b0020.
  3. 2022广东省科技创新战略专项资金(“攀登计划”专项资金),一般项目(在研)。王佳妮,刘金杰,刘巧,刘琪,陶倩,黎丽杉,杨唯熙,尼玛梅朵. 指导老师:夏薇. 1万人民币. pdjh2022b0022.
  4. 2024大学生创新训练计划,校级项目. 李娜,杨唯熙,何云云,陈思瑶,江中舟. 指导老师:夏薇. 2023.12-2024.12. 0.8万元
  5. 2024大学生创新训练计划,校级项目. 倪慧巧,玛依努尔·吐尔逊江,曾凯儿. 指导老师:夏薇. 2023.12-2024.12. 0.8万元
  6. 2023大学生创新训练计划,国家级项目(在研). 丁鹤霄,郭燕南,徐紫若,安玉萍,彭新然. 指导老师:夏薇. 2023.12.22-2024.12.20. 3万人民币.
  7. 2023大学生创新训练计划,校级项目(在研). 杨唯熙,曹家重,陈家妍,何云云,田丽娟. 指导老师:夏薇. 2023.12.22-2024.12.20. 0.8万人民币.
  8. 2023大学生创新训练计划,校级项目(在研). 李娜,彭安永,何颖,文聪,吴政聪. 指导老师:夏薇. 2023.12.22-2024.12.20. 0.8万人民币.
  9. 2022大学生创新训练计划,校级项目-优秀结题. 丁鹤霄,吴周紫涵,郭燕南,徐紫若,王采玲. 指导老师:夏薇. 2021.12.22-2022.12.20. 0.8万人民币.



  1. Ding HX, Xu ZR, Hu WL, Guo YN, Wang CL, Li SC Hui ZY, Wang J, Peng XR, Xia W*. Changes of Stressful Life Events, Coping Strategies and Mental Health Among Youths Before and After the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 2023;69(8):2018-2030. [IF= 7.5, JCR: Q1]
  2. Li LS, Wang JN, Xia W*, Li WHC, Weng XL, Song PG. Smoking cessation and relapse-prevention interventions tailored for expectant and new fathers: protocol of a systematic review and network meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2023 Oct 6;13(10):e071745. [IF=2.9, JCR: Q2]
  3. Xia W, Li WHC, Song PG, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Luo YH, Zeng CX, Ho KY. The association between heated tobacco product use and cigarette cessation outcomes among youth smokers: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2022; 132:108599. [IF= 3.9, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  4. Xia W, Li WHC, Liang T, Luo Y, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Song PG. Structured online training for university students to deliver peer-led addiction counselling for young drug abusers in China: effect on improving knowledge, attitude, confidence, and skills. Patient Education and Counseling. 2022; 105(4):1009–1017. [IF= 3.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  5. Xia W, Li WHC, Song PG, Cai WZ, Lam KKW, Ho LLK, Zeng CX, HE L, Gao C, Ho KY. Perceptions, behaviours and attitudes towards smoking held by the male partners of Chinese pregnant women: A qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2021,21:1901. [IF=4.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  6. Xia W, Li WHC, Liang T, Luo Y, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Song PG. Adaptation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Chinese Counseling Competencies Scale-Revised. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021, 12:688539. [IF=3.8, JCR: Q1]
  7. Li WHC#, Xia W#, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Leung QKI, Liang TN. A medical peer-delivered intervention comprising brief motivational interviewing via instant-messaging interaction to reduce drug misuse among youth in Hong Kong: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Addiction science & clinical practice. 2021,16(1):32. [IF= 3.7, JCR: Q2; 中科院分区: 医学2]
  8. Xia W, Li HCW, Cai W, Song P, Zhou X, Lam KWK, Ho LLK, Zeng C, Ho KY. The effectiveness of a video-based smoking cessation intervention focusing on maternal and child health to help Chinese expectant fathers quit smoking: an open-label, single-blind, three-arm, randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 2020;396(S1): S3. [IF= 168.9, 中科院分区: 医学1, Top期刊]
  9. Xia W, Li HCW, Cai W, Song P, Zhou X, Lam KWK, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Luo Y, Zeng C, Ho KY. Effectiveness of a video-based smoking cessation intervention focusing on maternal and child health in promoting quitting among expectant fathers in China: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS Medicine. 2020;17(9):e1003355. [IF= 15.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区: 医学1, top期刊]
  10. Xia W, Li WHC, Cai W, Song P, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Luo YH, Zeng C, He L, Gao C, Ho KY. Association of smoking behavior among Chinese expectant fathers and smoking abstinence after their partner becomes pregnant: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2020;20(1):449. [IF=3.1, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  11. Xia W, Li HCW, Lam KWK, Chung OKJ, Song P, Chiu SY, Chan CG, Ho KY. The Impact of Hematologic Cancer and Its Treatment on Physical Activity Level and Quality of Life Among Children in Mainland China: A Descriptive Study. Cancer Nursing. 2019;42(6):492-500. [IF= 2.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  12. Song P, Zha M, Yang X, Xu Y, Wang H, Fang Z, Yang X, Xia W*, Zeng C*. Socioeconomic and geographic variations in the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of dyslipidemia in middle-aged and older Chinese. Atherosclerosis. 2019;282:57-66. [IF= 5.3, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区: 医学2., Top期刊]
  13. Xia W, Li WHC. The Impact of Cancer and its Treatment on the Physical and Psychological Well-Being among Chinese Children in Mainland China: A Descriptive Study. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2016;63(S3): 49.[IF= 3.838, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  14. Ho KY, Lam KWK, Xia W, Chiu SY, Chan GCF, Li HCW. Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine on Nausea and Vomiting in Children With Cancer. Cancer nursing, 2023 Apr 6. Epub ahead of print. [IF= 2.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  15. Fung JTC, Chan SL, Takemura N, Chiu HY, Huang HC, Lee JE, Preechawong S, Hyun MY, Sun M, Xia W, Xiao JN, Lin CC. Virtual simulation and problem-based learning enhance perceived clinical and cultural competence of nursing students in Asia: A randomized controlled cross-over study. Nurse Education Today. 123, 105721. [IF= 3.9, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学1区,top期刊]
  16. Li WHC, Xia W, Wang MPK, Cheung YTD, Cheung KY, Wong CKH, Lam TH. Effect of Quitting Immediately vs Progressively on Smoking Cessation for Smokers at Emergency Department in Hong Kong: A Posteriori Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Plos One. 2023;18(1):e0280925. [IF= 3.7, JCR: Q1]
  17. Li WHC, Ho LLK, Cheung AT, Luo YH, Wang MP, Cheung DYT, Xia, W, Lam TH. A general health promotion approach to helping smokers with non-communicable diseases quit smoking: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Public Health. 2022;10:957547. [IF= 5.2, JCR: Q1]
  18. Qiu YW, Yi Q, Li ST, Sun WS, Ren ZY, Shen YJ, Wu YH, Wang ZC, Xia W, Song PG. Transition of Cardiometabolic Status and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Middle-Aged and Older Chinese: A National Cohort Study. Journal of diabetes Investigation. 2022;13(8):1426-1437. [IF=3.2, JCR: Q2]
  19. Ren ZY, Yi Q, Hou LY, Luk TT, Qiu YW, Xia W, Zhu YM, Peige Song PG, Rahimi K. Lactation Duration and the Risk of Subtypes of Stroke Among Parous Postmenopausal Women From the China Kadoorie Biobank. JAMA Network Open. 2022; 5(2), e220437. [IF=13.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学1, top期刊]
  20. Luo YH, Li WHC, Xia W, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chung JOK. The lived experience of resilience in parents of children with cancer: A phenomenological study. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2022; 10: 871435. [IF= 2.6, JCR: Q1]
  21. Ho KY, Lam KKW, Xia W, Chung JOK, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chiu SY, Chan GCF, Li WHC. Sleep disruption and its contributing factors in Chinese survivors of childhood cancer: A cross-sectional study. Psycho-Oncology. 2022; 31(6):960-969. [IF= 3.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  22. Luo YH, Li WHC, Xia W, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chung JOK. Evaluating the experiences of parents of children with cancer engaging in a mobile device‑based resilience training programme: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2022; 30(7): 6205-6214. [IF= 3.1, JCR: Q2; 中科院分区:医学2]
  23. Cheung AT, Li WHC, Ho LLK, Xia W, Luo YH, Chan GCF, Cheung JOK. Associations of Physical Activity and Handgrip Strength with Different Domains of Quality of Life in Pediatric Cancer Survivors. Cancers. 2022; 14(10):2554. [IF= 5.2, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  24. Ho LLK, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Luo YH, Xia W, Chung JOK. Impact of Poverty on Parent–Child Relationships, Parental Stress, and Parenting Practices. Frontiers in Public health. 2022;10:849408. [IF= 5.2, JCR: Q1]
  25. Luo YH, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Xia W, He XL, Zhang JP, Chung JOK. Relationships between resilience and quality of life in parents of children with cancer. Journal of Health Psychology. 2022;27(5):1048-1056. [IF= 3.2, JCR: Q1]
  26. Luo YH, Xia W, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Xie JH, Xiao P, Li WHC. Effectiveness of a mobile device-based resilience training programme in reducing depressive symptoms and enhancing resilience and quality of life in parents of children with cancer: Randomised controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2021, 23(11):e27639. [IF=7.4, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  27. Li TT, Hu YJ, Xia L, Wen LH, Ren W, Xia W, Wang J, Cai WZ, Chen L. Psychological experience of patients with confirmed COVID-19 at the initial stage of pandemic in Wuhan, China: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2021, 21(1):2257. [IF=4.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  28. Lam KKW, Ho KY, Xia W, Chung JOK, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chiu SY, Chan GCF, Li WHC. Understanding the lived experience of sleep disruption among childhood cancer survivors: A phenomenological study. Sleep Medicine. 2021, 88:204-212. [IF= 4.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  29. Chung JOK, Li WHC, Xia W, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Chan GCF. Translation and psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of the resilience scale for children with cancer. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2021,19:232. [IF= 3.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  30. Luo YH, Xia W, He XL, Zhang JP, Li WHC. Psychological interventions for enhancing resilience in parents of children with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2021, 29(11):7101-7110. [IF= 3.1, JCR: Q2; 中科院分区:医学2]
  31. Yi Q, Zha M, Yang Q, Zhang Y, Hou L,Ye X, Chen G, Shao J, Xia W, Song P. Trends in the prevalence of hypertension according to severity and phenotype in Chinese adults over two decades (1991-2015). Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2021, 23(7):1302-1315. [IF= 2.8, JCR: Q2]
  32. Ho KY, Lam KWK, Xia W, Chung JOK, Cheung AT, HO LLK, Chiu SY, Chan GCF, Li HCW. Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) among Hong Kong Chinese childhood cancer survivors. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. 2021, 19(1):176. [IF= 3.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  33. Ho LLK, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Xia W. Ho LLK, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Xia W. Effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions for smokers with chronic diseases: A systematic review. Journal of advanced nursing. 2021, (8):3331-3342. [IF= 3.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  34. Ye XX, Qian Y, Mingming Zha, Qingwen Yang, Yan Zhang, Jing Shao, Wei Xia, Ye ZH, Peige Song. Trends in prevalence of hypertension and hypertension phenotypes among Chinese children and adolescents over two decades (1991-2015). Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2021, 8:627741. [IF=3.6, JCR: Q2]
  35. Yi Q, Li X, He Y, Xia W, Shao J, Ye Z, Song P. Associations of dietary inflammatory index with metabolic syndrome and its components: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Health Nutrition. 2021, 24(16):5463-5470. [IF= 3.2, JCR: Q1]
  36. Cheung AT, Li WHC, Ho LLK, Xia W, Chan GCF, Chung JOK. Pediatric brain tumor survivors' lived experience of engaging in a musical training program which promoted their psychological well-being: a qualitative study. Supportive Care in Cancer. 2021; 29(2): 3145–3154. [IF= 3.1, JCR: Q2; 中科院分区:医学2]
  37. Chung JOK, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Ho LLK, Xia W, Chan GCF, Lopez V. Relationships among resilience, depressive symptoms, self-esteem, and quality of life in children with cancer. Psycho-oncology. 2021; 30(2):194-201. [IF= 3.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  38. Li WHC, Ho KY, Wang MP, Cheung DYT, Lam KKW, Xia W, Cheung KY, Wong CKH, Chan SSC, Lam TH. Effectiveness of a Brief Self-determination Theory-Based Smoking Cessation Intervention for Smokers at Emergency Departments in Hong Kong: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Internal Medicine. 2020;180(2):206-214. [IF=39.0, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区: 医学1, top期刊]
  39. Ho LLK, Li WHC, Cheung AT, Xia W, Ho KY, Chung JOK. Low-income parents' perceptions of the importance of a musical training programme for their children: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):1454. [IF=4.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  40. Lam KKW, Li WHC, Chung JOK, Ho KY, Xia W, Cheung AT, Chiu SY, Lam HS, Chan GCF. Promoting physical activity among children with cancer through an integrated experiential training programme with coaching: A qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling. 2020;103(6):1230-1236. [IF= 3.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  41. Chung JOK, Lam KKW, Ho KY, Cheung AT, Ho LK, Xia W, Gibson F, Li WHC. Psychometric evaluation of the traditional Chinese version of the resilience Scale-14 and assessment of resilience in Hong Kong adolescents. Health and Quality Life Outcomes. 2020;18(1):33.. [IF= 3.6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  42. Song P, Zha M, Xia W, Zeng C, Zhu Y. Asthma–chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overlap in China: prevalence, associated factors and comorbidities in middle-aged and older adults. Current medical research and opinion. 2020;36(4):667-675. [IF= 2.3, JCR: Q2]
  43. Ho KY, Li HCW, Lam KKW, Wang MP, Xia W, Ho LKL, Ou YJ, Chan SSC, Lam TH. Quitting trajectories of Chinese women smokers following telephone smoking cessation counselling: A longitudinal study. Journal of clinical nursing. 2020;29(3-4):556-566. [IF= 4.2, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  44. Ho KY, Li WHC, Lam KKW, Wang MP, Xia W, Ho LY, Ho LLK, Lam TH, Chan SSC. Promoting smoking cessation among community-living female smokers by training smoking cessation and reduction ambassadors. Journal of public health (Oxf). 2020;42(1):53-61. [IF= 4.4, JCR: Q1]
  45. 任伟,李甜甜, 夏薇, 李静, It is Meyenburg-Altwarg, 蔡文智. 基于核心能力的助产专科护士培训方案的设计与实践.解放军护理杂志. 2020;11(37): 26-29,54.
  46. Ho KY, Lam KKW, Chung JOK, Xia W, Cheung AT, Ho LK, Chiu SY, Chan GCF, Li HCW. Systematic review of the effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine on nausea and vomiting in children with cancer: a study protocol. BMJ Open. 2019;9(10):e031834. [IF=2.9, JCR: Q2]
  47. Li WHC, Ho KY, Xia W, Wang MP, Lam KKW, Chan SSC, Lam TH. Helping hospitalized smokers quit smoking by understanding their risk perception, behaviour and attitudes related to smoking. Journal of advanced nursing. 2019;75(10):2167-2177. [IF= 3.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  48. Li WHC, Ho KY, Lam KKW, Wang MP, Cheung DYT, Ho LLK, Xia W, Lam TH. A study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the use of information communication technology (WhatsApp/WeChat) to deliver brief motivational interviewing (i-BMI) in promoting smoking cessation among smokers with chronic diseases. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):1083. [IF=4.5, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  49. Ho KY, Li WHC, Lam KWK, Xia W, Chiu SY, Chan CG, Chung OKJ. Relationships among fatigue, physical activity, depressive symptoms, and quality of life in Chinese children and adolescents surviving cancer. European journal of oncology nursing. 2019;38:21-27. [IF= 2.8, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]
  50. Ho KY, Li HCW, Lam KKW, Chan SSC, Wang MP, Chan VWF, Xia W, Lam TH. Exploratory study on the relationship between smoking and other risk behaviours among young smokers. Journal of clinical nursing. 2018;27(13-14):2859-2867. [IF= 4.2, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2, Top期刊]
  51. Ho KY, Li WHC, Lam KKW, Wang MP, Xia W, Ho LY, Tan KCB, Sin HKM, Cheung E, Mok MPH, Lam TH. Smoking behaviours of Hong Kong Chinese hospitalised patients and predictors of smoking abstinence after discharge: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2018;8(12):e023965. [IF=2.9, JCR: Q2]
  52. Song P, Wang H, Xia W, Chang X, Wang M, An L. Prevalence and correlates of hyperuricemia in the middle-aged and older adults in China. Scientific reports. 2018;8(1):4314. [IF= 4. 6, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:综合2]
  53. Song P, Xia W, Zhu Y, Wang M, Chang X, Jin S, Wang J, An L. Prevalence of carotid atherosclerosis and carotid plaque in Chinese adults: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Atherosclerosis. 2018;276:67-73. [IF= 5.3, JCR: Q1; 中科院分区: 医学2., Top期刊]
  54. Song P, Xia W, Wang M, Chang X, Wang J, Jin S, Wang J, Wei W, Rudan I. Variations of dry eye disease prevalence by age, sex and geographic characteristics in China: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of global health. 2018;8(2):020503. [IF= 7.2 JCR: Q1; 中科院分区:医学2]



  1. 国家卫生健康委员会十四五规划教材《社区康复》人民卫生出版社. 2023. 参编
  2. 译著:《避免护理常见错误》。主译:郑一宁; 译者(以姓氏汉语拼音为序):陈杰、崔远航、郭娜、李勍、李森、刘晓红、夏薇、姚晓芳、战颖、张海燕、赵楠、郑一宁。科学出版社, 北京, 中国. 2017. ISBN: 978-7-03-053307-4


  1. 夏薇黎丽杉,王佳妮。一种可检测一氧化碳浓度的口罩。专利号:ZL 2022 2 2254976.4。(申请日期:2020826日,授权日期:2023324日)


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